ThermalCapture has a new home.


All the camera activities of TeAx Technology GmbH, including the ThermalCapture product line, have been acquired by the German company AirRobot GmbH & Co. KG.

AirRobot will be the new official provider of ThermalCapture products to you. The whole TeAx Technology team is now part of AirRobot and will serve you with the technical support you need to receive the best possible data quality when using our products.

We will of course handle support and service for past orders. All existing email addresses and telephone numbers are still in place and are checked regularly. If you received slow responses during the last weeks, we sincerely apologize for this, and we promise to catch up on those immediately.

As soon as new email addresses or telephone numbers are available, we will inform you with another email.

We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with you and hope you join us on this new chapter of the ThermalCapture journey.


Sincerely yours,

Markus Ax and Stefan Thamke